

One of my favorite vacation spots in Malaysia is Cameron Highland. I like it so much because of the weather. Due to its position which is in the highland, it is always cold and has nice weather. Cameron Highlands have lots of hotel and small hostel for travelers.

One of my favorite vacation spots in Malaysia is Cameron Highland. I like it so much because of the weather. Due to its position which is in the highland, it is always cold and has nice weather. Cameron Highlands have lots of hotel and small hostel for travelers.

The accommodation fee is cheap and makes it comfortable staying there. In Cameron highland there are a lot of nurseries and farms like strawberry farms, vegetable farms, tea Plantation Mountain, flower nurseries and also butterfly garden. In Malaysia which is known for its hot weather, we seldom have chance to eat fresh strawberries other than the ones from supermarket.
In Cameron highland you can go to the strawberry farm to pick your own strawberries and eat them freshly. The tea plantation is a place you wouldn’t want to miss; no trip to Cameron Highlands would be complete without a trip to the tea plantations. Whenever you pass by the tea plantations, you can stop and have a cup of tea to relax yourself, I always stop there and enjoy the tea as well as the amazing view.

Besides that, you could always go to the morning market to purchase some fresh vegetables and some local fruits, besides that, you can also buy roses for your loved one. To get there, you could use different transportation means – such as bus and train or car. If you want to drive from Kuala Lumpur, it is approximately 3 hour of driving or you can take a bus from Kuala Lumpur and stop at Tapah Road station in Tapah and take a bus there. You can visit it anytime you want, but remember that during the holidays it is much more crowded, but have more activities to offer.

